Health services

Students can obtain health services from the Faculty Medical Centre free of charge. The medical center and the Dental Clinic are located in a building close to the Department of Physics. There is an also ayurvedic medical center located near Bachelors Quarters. These centers provide health care to staff and students.

During the academic year, the medical centre is open for treatment from 8.00 am to 5.00 pm on weekdays. All drugs are free of charge. If a prescribed drug is not available in the clinic, the University will reimburse the expenses. The students at FAHS can easily obtain the medical services from the Out Patients’ Department (OPD) of Teaching Hospital Karapitiya and Teaching Hospital Mahamodara free of charge.

Every student of the university at the first enrollment must face a medical test. The aim of this test is to determine whether the student has suitable health condition to continue the academic career without difficulties. If a student is found to be suffering from a severe decease, he/she is directed to special clinics in the hospital for treatments. If a student is unable to sit for the exam due to an illness he/she should inform the University medical officer and examination branch immediately. The medical certificates obtained from outside medical officers should be submitted to the examinations branch within three days with the approval of the University medical officer. Whenever necessary, students should follow the above procedure in producing medical certificate for smooth functioning of their education during stipulated period of study.